Mayor Justin Bibb recently announced his transition plan once he became mayor. To communicate his plan to the public and keep them updated on his progress, a website was developed to showcase his overall plan, his transition team, and other relevant information.


The main objectives of the website were to:

  • Clearly communicate Mayor Bibb's transition plan to the public
  • Provide information on the members of his transition team
  • Keep the public informed on the progress of the plan
  • Encourage public engagement and feedback


Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.The development of the website followed these steps:

  • Understanding the requirements and goals of Mayor Bibb and his team
  • Researching best practices for transition plan websites
  • Designing a user-friendly interface
  • Developing the website using responsive design for optimal viewing on any device
  • Incorporating features such as an FAQ section, a blog, and a contact form for public engagement


The Mayor Justin Bibb Transition Plan website was launched successfully and received positive feedback from the public. The website received a high volume of traffic and the public was able to easily access information on Mayor Bibb's plan and the progress being made. The contact form and blog section were also well-received, providing the public with an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions.


The development of the Mayor Justin Bibb Transition Plan website was a successful project that met the objectives of clearly communicating the plan, providing information on the transition team, and encouraging public engagement. The website received positive feedback from the public and helped to increase transparency and accountability in the transition process.